
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the 2022 RZR Pro R 4 Owner’s Manual P/N 9931528 link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

PDM Fuse Troubleshooting

In the event of faults or intermittent power to functions connected to more than just one fuse, a solution may be to replace one of the PDM fuses. This is because power routes from the PDM fuses to different “downstream” fuses. See the table below for details.
PDM Fuse “Downstream” Fuses

PDM 1 (30A)





PDM 2 (30A)

PWR PT1 (10A)


SCM (10A)


PDM 3 (30A)

EFI (10A)


FUEL (10A)

If you believe a PDM fuse may be causing intermittent power to its “downstream” fuses, follow the procedure for replacing and testing below.

  1. Place the vehicle in PARK, turn off the engine, and then turn the ignition switch to the ON position.

  2. Access the Primary Fuse Center in the driver-side rear wheel well.

  3. Gently nudge the suspected PDM fuse by hand and check to see if intermittent power occurs to vehicle functions. This will simulate vehicle operation and help confirm which PDM is at issue. If intermittent power does not occur, perform the same nudge test on the remaining PDM fuses.

  4. Once the correct PDM fuse is confirmed, turn the ignition switch to the OFF position.

  5. Replace the PDM fuse using one of the SPARE fuses.

    After removing a fuse, always check to ensure the two wire terminals that the fuse connects to are properly seated. Dislodged or misaligned wiring may also cause intermittent power to vehicle functions. If this is the case, adjust the wires by pushing up from the backside of the fuse block. If the problem persists, consult your dealer.
  6. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position.

  7. Gently nudge the SPARE fuse and check to see if intermittent power occurs to vehicle functions.

If power to vehicle functions appears consistent, the vehicle may resume operation. It is recommended that the vehicle be seen by a dealer for further assessment.

If power to vehicle functions remains inconsistent, do not operate the vehicle. Have the vehicle brought to a dealer immediately.