Belt Replacement / Debris Removal
If a belt fails, always clean any debris from the outlet duct and from the clutch and engine compartments when replacing the belt.
Allow hot components to cool before performing this procedure.
Remove the seats and engine access panel.
Thoroughly clean ALL DEBRIS from the engine compartment.
Loosen the clamp 1 retaining the PVT inlet duct to the outer clutch cover.
Using a 10 mm wrench, remove the five clutch cover bolts securing the upper portion of the clutch cover 2.
Then remove the 5 quick release fasteners located on the lower part of the clutch cover 3.
Maneuver the outer clutch cover outward and upward to access the drive belt.
Mark the drive belt direction of rotation so that it can be installed in the same direction.
Remove the clutch spreader tool from the top of the clutch housing.

Insert the clutch spreader tool into the driven clutch.
Turn the tool clockwise to open the sheaves on the driven clutch.
Walk the belt out of the driven and drive clutch. Remove the belt.
Remove ALL debris wrapped in and around the PVT system.
Remove ALL debris from the entire clutch air duct passage.
Check for signs of damage to seals on the transmission and engine. If any seals appear to be damaged, your vehicle requires prompt service. Your POLARIS dealer can assist.
Once finished, return the clutch spreader tool to the clutch housing and reattach the clutch cover.
Tighten the five quick release fasteners located on the lower part of the clutch cover, then reinstall the 5 clutch cover bolts securing the top of the clutch cover.
TORQUEClutch Cover Bolts:
4 Nm (37 in-lbs) -
Reattach the PVT inlet duct to the outer clutch cover (and fasten with the clamp).
Reinstall and secure the close off panel.
Reinstall the seats. Ensure the seats latch securely.