
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the 2019 RZR RS1 Owner’s Manual P/N 9929364 link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

New Operator Driving Procedures

  1. Read and understand the owner's manual and all warning and instruction labels before operating this vehicle.

  2. Visit the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association® web site (rohva.org) and take the free on-line training course. Hands-on training is also available through ROHVA®.

  3. Perform the pre-ride inspection.

  4. Do not carry a passenger on this vehicle.

  5. Do not carry cargo during this period.

  6. Select an open area that allows room to familiarize yourself with vehicle operation and handling.

  7. The driver must wear helmet, eye protection, gloves, long-sleeve shirt, long pants, over-the-ankle boots and seat belt at all times.

  8. Always make sure all cab doors are closed and latched when riding in this vehicle.

  9. Sit in the driver's seat and fasten the seat belt.

  10. Place the transmission in PARK.

  11. Start the engine.

  12. Apply the brakes and shift into low gear.

  13. Check your surroundings and determine your path of travel.

  14. Keeping both hands on the steering wheel, slowly release the brakes and depress the throttle with your right foot to begin driving.

  15. Drive slowly at first. On level surfaces, practice starting, stopping, turning, maneuvering, using the throttle and brakes and driving in reverse. Learn how the vehicle handles when making both left and right turns at a slow speed.

  16. Increase speed only after mastering all maneuvers at a slow speed.

  17. After you become skilled at making turns and begin to operate at faster speeds, follow these precautions:

    • Avoid sharp turns.

    • Never turn while applying heavy throttle.

    • Never make abrupt steering maneuvers.

    • Operate at speeds appropriate for your skills, the conditions and the terrain.

    • DO NOT do power slides, “donuts”, jumps or other driving stunts.