Brake Fluid
Inspect the level of the brake fluid
before each operation. If the fluid level is low add DOT 4 brake fluid
only. See the Polaris Products section for the part numbers.
Change the brake fluid every two years and any time the fluid becomes
contaminated, the fluid level is below the minimum, or if the type
and brand of the fluid in the reservoir are unknown. Access the brake
fluid reservoir through the left front wheel well.

Position the vehicle on a level surface.
Place the transmission in PARK.
View the brake fluid level in the reservoir, located in the front driver-side wheel well. The level should be between the maximum and minimum level lines.
If the fluid level is lower than the lower level line, add brake fluid to the upper line.
WARNINGDo not overfill the brake system reservoir. Overfilling can cause pressure build-up leading to brake drag, system degradation, and brake system failure. -
Apply the brake forcefully for a few seconds and check for fluid leakage around the fittings.