
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Engine Troubleshooting

Unless you have experience and training in four-cycle engine repair, your dealer can assist if technical problems arise.


Probable Cause


Erratic engine operating RPM during acceleration or load variations

Drive clutch binding

Your dealer can perform this service.

Driven clutch malfunction

Your dealer can perform this service

Harsh drive clutch engagement

Drive belt worn or too narrow

Replace the drive belt.

Excessive belt/sheave clearance

Your dealer can perform this service.

Drive belt turns over

Wrong belt for application

Replace the drive belt.

Clutch alignment out of spec

Your dealer can perform this service.

Engine mount broken or loose

Inspect and replace.
Your dealer can perform this service.

Machine fails to move

Clutch jammed

Check for twisted belt or broken spring. Your dealer can perform this service.

Track jammed

  • Foreign object may be caught or the rail slide melted to the track clips due to lack of lubrication.

  • Track may be iced up or frozen to the ground.

Noise in drive system

Broken drive clutch components

Your dealer can perform this service.

Bearing failure/ jackshaft, or front drive shaft

Your dealer can perform this service.

Drive belt surface flat spots

Inspect and replace as needed.

Drive chain loose

Inspect and adjust (or replace).

Drive chain worn, sprocket teeth broken

Your dealer can perform this service.

Poor low RPM performance

Worn drive belt

Inspect and replace as needed.

Excessive belt/sheave clearance

Your dealer can perform this service.

Sticky clutch

Your dealer can perform this service.

Poor fuel quality

Use recommended fuel. See the Recommended Fuel section.

Engine doesn't turn

Seized engine

Your dealer can perform this service. Seizure is a result of poor lubrication, inadequate fuel supply, broken parts or improper cooling.

Hydrostatic lock

Water or fuel may have entered the crankcase while the vehicle was standing or being transported. Drain plug is located on the lower crankcase for emergency draining. Remove the spark plugs. Your dealer can perform this service

Engine turns but fails to start

Faulty ignition

Install new spark plug(s). If engine still fails to start, check for spark. If there's no spark, Your dealer can perform this service.

No fuel to engine

  • Make sure tank contains fuel.

  • Ice may be in the fuel line, filter or pump. Add isopropyl alcohol to the fuel system.

  • Your dealer can perform this service.

Poor engine compression

This indicates a major engine problem that must be repaired before operating. Your dealer can perform this service.

Engine lacks power

Fouled or defective spark plug(s)

Replace the plug(s).

Fuel filter (loss of high RPM power)

Your dealer can perform this service.

Plugged fuel filter or tank pick-up sock

Your dealer can perform this service.

Incorrect clutching

Your dealer can perform this service.

Engine continually backfires

Faulty plug(s)

Change plug(s), ensure caps are seated.

Fuel System

Dirt or ice may be in the fuel system (deicer should be added to non-ethanol fuel at all times for assurance against fuel line icing).

Incorrect throttle freeplay or faulty switch

Your dealer can perform this service.

Engine requires more than normal cranking time to start

Poor fuel

Replace with fresh winter fuel.

Not enough fuel getting to engine

Your dealer can perform this service.

Plugged fuel filter or tank pick-up sock

Your dealer can perform this service.

Weak Battery

Your dealer can perform battery service.

Increased exhaust smoke

Engine Oil Overfull

Perform oil level verification, see Oil Level Check. Remove excess oil if level is above FULL mark on dipstick.

Vehicle has recently been tipped over onto its right side

If this occurs, increased exhaust smoke may exist for short duration. See dealer if condition persists.

Worn valve seals

Your dealer can perform this service.

Worn piston rings

Your dealer can perform this service.