Alternate Battery Charging Method
If the combined voltage of all batteries reaches 36 volts or less, a safety feature in the on- board charger will not allow the charger to activate. Use the alternate charging method to add a small charge to each battery separately. The on-board charger will then activate properly to recharge all batteries to a full charge.
Use a 12-volt battery charger to charge 12-volt batteries. Charge each battery individually.
Use a 12-volt charger to charge 6-volt batteries. Charge in four groups, each consisting of two sequentially wired batteries.
Set the battery charger to the medium amp setting (10 to 30 amps).
Charge each battery for 10-20 minutes.
Move quickly from battery to battery, as this is only a residual charge and it will dissipate in a short period of time.
After charging the last battery, remove the off-board charger leads and plug the vehicle in.
If the on-board charger does not recognize the residual charge and activate, repeat the alternate charging method.