Mechanical Clutch Lever Lubrication
The clutch cable adjuster nut is located on the bottom of the clutch cover on the engine. Loosen the lock nut.
Turn the cable adjuster completely inward to provide maximum lever freeplay.
Remove the nut 1 and pivot pin 2. Disconnect the clutch cable from the clutch lever.
Remove any old grease and dirt from the lever and housing. Lubricate the clutch lever and pin with moly assembly grease or all-purpose grease.
NOTICEDuring installation of the lever, be aware of the internal clutch switch. Improper assembly can cause damage to the switch. -
Reconnect the clutch cable. Reinstall the pivot pin and nut.
Adjust clutch lever freeplay. See Mechanical Clutch Lever Freeplay.
Tighten the adjuster nut.