
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.


Remove the hood assembly to access the spare drive belt container 1. The spare drive belt container is attached to the front bumper and holds the spare belt, spare spark plugs, and spark plug wrench.


Spare belt and spark plugs are not provided with the snowmobile.


When properly engaged in the bracket, the L-wrench 2 secures the fender to the console. To retrieve the L-wrench, rotate it counter-clockwise and slide it upward from the bracket. Return the L-wrench to the bracket and rotate it clockwise when not in use.

Spark Plug Wrench

The spark plug wrench secures to the spare drive belt container on the front bumper. Remove the container to add or access a spare spark plug or belt.

Replacement Drive Belt

A replacement drive belt can be stored in the spare drive belt container 1 located under the hood.