
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Unlocking System With Personal Security Code

  1. While the engine is running, Press and release the SET button.

    ENTER CODE will appear in the information display area.

  2. Press and release the SET button to increase the 1st digit.

  3. Press and hold the SET button to accept the 1st digit and advance to the 2nd digit.

  4. Press and release the SET button to increase the 2nd digit.

  5. Press and hold the SET button to accept the 2nd digit and advance to the 3rd digit.

  6. Press and release the SET button to increase the 3rd digit.

  7. Press and hold the SET button to accept the 3rd digit and submit code.

    If code is correct, SECURITY OFF will appear in the information display area

    The system is now unlocked.

    If code is incorrect, BAD CODE will appear in the information display area. Return to step 1 to re-enter code.