
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Suspension Quick Set-Up Guide

Suspension systems contain moving components that can crush or cut. Keep hands clear of the suspension while the engine is running, someone is sitting on the seat, or the suspension is in motion. NEVER adjust the suspension while vehicle is in operation.

The front and rear suspensions on your MATRYX RMK snowmobile are easy to adjust. Just remember three simple steps:

  1. Ride your snowmobile.

  2. Adjust the rear track shock spring to tune vehicle balance (ski pressure and weight transfer).

  3. Adjust shock clickers (if equipped) to tune ride quality (stiffer or softer ride).

Step 1: Ride your snowmobile.

Ride the snowmobile in various terrain to fully experience the existing suspension settings before making any adjustments.

Step 2: Adjust the rear spring to tune vehicle balance.

After riding, you should be able to determine if the snowmobile needs more or less transfer.

  • For more transfer, decrease the rear track spring preload.

  • For less transfer, increase the rear track spring preload.

For lighter steering, decrease the rear track spring preload or increase the front track shock spring preload.

Step 3: Adjust shock clickers (if equipped) for ride quality.

For models equipped with monotube shocks, always adjust the rear track shock spring preload to enhance bottoming resistance.

Walker Evans Racing Velocity shocks come equipped with an inside clicker (low-speed) and an outside clicker (high-speed). These clickers adjust shock compression for high- and low-speed trail events. Adjust the clickers to control bottoming and adjust ride comfort.

  • Turn clicker counter-clockwise to decrease damping for a softer ride.

  • Turn clicker clockwise to increase damping for a stiffer ride and less bottoming.

  • Always adjust the low-speed adjustment control first. If desired ride is not achieved, adjust the high-speed adjustment control to improve ride.


Always adjust the clicker at least one click below full stiff (full clockwise) or shock damage will occur.

Test ride the snowmobile and continue making spring and clicker adjustments until you achieve the perfect ride.