
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Pin Activated Security System (P.A.S.S.) (if equipped)

The P.A.S.S. feature must be activated by your authorized POLARIS dealer using Polaris Digital Wrench. See your authorized POLARIS dealer for setup and activation.

Snowmobiles equipped with a 7S display have the ability to lock the snowmobile into a low power mode until a security passcode is entered. Locking the snowmobile using the Lock Vehicle button will limit the vehicle’s RPM so the vehicle will remain motionless.

The vehicle can be locked only when the engine is running and the vehicle is not in motion. If the engine is OFF, the Lock Vehicle button will be disabled.

Changing your Passcode

The default passcode is available at the time of vehicle purchase. Changing the passcode will always require the old passcode. To change the security passcode, do the following:

  1. Go the Settings menu by pressing the Badge Panel button followed by the All Settings button.

  2. Select Vehicle Settings from the left toolbar.

  3. Select Change Passcode.

  4. Enter the existing/old passcode.

  5. Enter the new passcode.

  6. Enter the new passcode again.

  7. A popup box should appear confirming your passcode has changed.

Enable P.A.S.S.

After activating P.A.S.S. for the first time you must power down the vehicle and allow the electronic control module (ECM) to fully shutdown before restarting. This may take up to three minutes.
  1. Go the Settings menu by pressing the Badge Panel button followed by the All Settings button.

  2. Select Vehicle Settings from the left toolbar.

  3. Select Passcode Unlock.

  4. Turn off the vehicle using the key ignition switch.

Disable P.A.S.S.

  1. Go the Settings menu by pressing the Badge Panel button followed by the All Settings button.

  2. Select Vehicle Settings from the left toolbar.

  3. Select Passcode Unlock.

  4. Enter passcode code to disable P.A.S.S.

Locking your Snowmobile

To lock your vehicle, do the following:

  1. Stop vehicle completely. Keep the engine running.

  2. Press the Badge Panel button to open the Badge Panel.

  3. Press the Lock Vehicle button.

  4. Enter your 4-digit passcode.

Unlocking your Snowmobile

To unlock your vehicle, do the following:

  1. Start the engine.

  2. A banner will appear that top of the display screen prompting you to enter your passcode. Click on the ribbon or the Unlock Vehicle button from the Badge Panel.

  3. Enter your 4-digit passcode.