
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Android® Pairing

To connect your smartphone to the display, do the following:

On your smartphone

  • In your smartphone settings, turn on Bluetooth®.

    On some phones you have to make the phone visible to other devices. If your phone has this feature, it should show up on the Bluetooth® connection screen of your phone. If no option exists to make your phone visible to the display, it is already visible to the display.
  • If available, make your phone discoverable to other devices in your Bluetooth® settings.

On the Ride Command Display

  • Go the Settings menu by pressing the Badge Panel button followed by the All Settings button.

  • Select General from the left toolbar and click on Bluetooth Devices.

  • Press the Add Device button.

  • When your phone appears on the display, press the + button next to it to pair with your phone.

  • Ensure the confirmation code on the screen and your phone are the same then press Pair on your phone.

On your smartphone

  • A request will appear to pair with the display. Ensure the confirmation code matches between the Ride Command display and your phone.

  • Press OK.

  • For an optimal experience enable notifications and sync contacts from your smartphone’s Bluetooth® settings.

On the Ride Command Display

  • The display will now show a list of previously connected phones on the display. If it is unpaired, click on your phone from the list.

  • Once the display says connected/paired, your phone is now connected to the display via Bluetooth®. After a phone is connected, the Device Manager Screen will appear.