
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Icon Bar

The Icon Bar is located across the top of the touchscreen and displays cell phone, headset, and wireless internet connectivity, fuel level, compass heading and local time.

The Icon Bar will not appear when the Badge Panel is open.

Icon Description Function
1 Mobile Device Indicator Displays icon if mobile device is connected
2 Headset Indicator Displays icon if headset is connected
3 Cellular Signal Strength Displays current cellular signal strength
4 Wireless Internet Signal Strength (if equipped) Displays current wireless internet signal strength (if equipped)
5 Drive Mode Displays current drive mode. When in standard mode, “STD MODE” will only show for 10 seconds.
6 Active Decent Control (ADC) Displays icon if ADC is enabled
7 Fuel Level Displays current fuel capacity percentage
8 Vehicle Direction Displays vehicle direction
9 Clock Displays current time