Security System (if equipped)
When the lock button is pushed on the key fob, the security alarm will be enabled. The alarm will sound the horn and flash headlights if the engine start/stop button is pressed or the clutch/brake is pushed when the key fob is out of range.
The security system automatically immobilizes the engine when the key fob is outside of range and enables when the key fob is within range. If the key fob is lost or not within range, a passcode must be entered to operate the vehicle.
Change the factory-set passcode to a new user passcode of your own choosing and select the desired security setting as soon as possible after receiving delivery of your new SLINGSHOT vehicle. Record your new user passcode and keep it in a safe location. Do not place your 4-digit passcode anywhere in the vehicle.
After the passcode is entered, a slight delay before the starter engages is normal.