
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Create Account

You can create a personalized RIDE COMMAND account either by computer at https://ridecommand.polaris.com or in the Polaris app, which can be downloaded to your personal device through your phone’s application store.

On Your Computer

Create Account

  1. Open your preferred internet browser and navigate to https://ridecommand.polaris.com .

  2. From the top menu bar, click Create Account.

  3. In the pop-up, type your email address and password.

  4. Accept the Terms of Service agreement.

  5. You should receive a confirmation email from Polaris within 24 hours of creation.

Add Your Vehicle

  1. After signing into your Ride Command account, click on Garage from the top menu bar.

  2. Press the + button to add vehicle.

  3. Type in your vehicle’s VIN number.

  4. Add a vehicle nickname.

  5. Press the Add My Vehicle button.

On Your Device

Create Account

  1. Download and install the Polaris app from your phone’s application store.

  2. You may receive a prompt that “Polaris” wants to access to location information. Click Continue.

  3. Tap the menu button and select Log In or Sign Up from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select the Sign Up tab.

  5. Type your email address and password.

  6. Accept the Terms of Service agreement.

  7. You should receive a confirmation email from Polaris within 24 hours of creation.

Add Your Vehicle

  1. Press the More button on the home screen.

  2. Select Garage from the options menu.

  3. Press the + button.

  4. Connect your phone to your vehicle via Bluetooth® or press the Enter Your VIN button.

  5. Add a vehicle nickname.

  6. Type in your vehicle’s VIN number.

  7. Press Next from the top ribbon.