
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Noise Level

One of the most publicized issues about snowmobiles is noise. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE®), the standard-setting body for snowmobile development, recommends that snowmobiles conform to prescribed sound levels.

POLARIS snowmobiles are engineered to conform to these SAE® standards. Our muffler systems are designed to reduce noise levels and must not be altered or removed. The sound of your snowmobile may not be welcome to non-snowmobilers, so you have a responsibility to operate your snowmobile with concern for others. We do our part by manufacturing quieter machines; we ask your help to further reduce the impact of noise by operating your snowmobile safely and responsibly.