
The Owner's Manual for this vehicle contains warnings, instructions and other information you must read and fully understand before safely riding or performing maintenance on this vehicle. Always follow the warnings and instructions in Owner's Manual.

Click the link above for the Table Of Contents, or download a full PDF of the Owner Manual in the Owner Support area of Polaris.com.

Limitations of Warranties and Remedies

This POLARIS Limited Warranty excludes any failures that are not caused by a defect in material or workmanship. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER CLAIMS OF DEFECTIVE DESIGN. This warranty also does not cover acts of God, accidental damage, normal wear and tear, abuse or improper handling. This warranty also does not cover any vehicle, component or part that has been altered structurally, modified, neglected, improperly maintained or used for racing, competition or purposes other than for which it was designed.

This warranty also excludes failures resulting from improper lubrication; improper engine timing; improper fuel; surface imperfections caused by external stress, heat, cold or contamination; operator error or abuse; improper component alignment, tension, adjustment or altitude compensation; failure due to snow, water, dirt or other foreign substance ingestion/contamination; improper maintenance; modified components; use of aftermarket components; unauthorized repairs; repairs made after the warranty period expires or by an unauthorized repair center; use of the product in competition or for commercial purposes. Warranty will not apply to any product which has been damaged by abuse, accident, fire or any other casualty not determined a defect of materials or workmanship.

This warranty excludes damages or failures caused by abuse, accident, fire or any other cause other than a defect in materials or workmanship and provides no coverage for consumable components, general wear items or any parts exposed to friction surfaces, stresses, environmental conditions and/or contamination for which they were not designed or not intended, including but not limited to the following items:

  • Skis

  • Tracks

  • Suspension components

  • Brake components

  • Seat components

  • Clutches and components

  • Steering components

  • Batteries

  • Light bulbs/Sealed beam lamps

  • Idler wheels

  • Sealants

  • Coolant

  • Fuel

  • Ski wear rods

  • Slide rails

  • Finished and unfinished surfaces

  • Carburetor/Throttle body components

  • Engine components

  • Drive belts

  • Hydraulic components

  • Circuit breakers/Fuses

  • Electronic components

  • Spark Plugs

  • Lubricants

  • Filters